06 Jun About a brand: Brice Guiho
Let’s discuss a brand for which the whole process went smoothly: « Brice Guiho,» a wedding photographer for authentic and enthusiastic couples.
About Branding
A crucial step in the branding process is getting to know the brand owner. I always try to create a more personal relationship with my clients to better discern their needs.
In addition to the discovery call, I created a branding questionnaire to help my clients express their feelings about their brand on paper.
I ask them to describe their mission, vision, values and everything else I need to create an image that fits perfectly.
That’s how I reach the “Wow” effect 🙂
About A Brand: Brice Guiho
Brice Guiho is a professional wedding photographer who decided to expand his business and create a brand.
His vision is to become the benchmark for wedding photographers in Belgium, France, Ivory Coast and Cameroon.
His values are Authenticity, Proximity and Black Love.
The Branding
The logo
When he contacted me to create his brand, he already had his primary logo in black and white. I’m representing it here just for illustration.
All credits go to the original designer 🙂
The submark
The submark is a simplified or variant version of the primary logo.
It is usually used on smaller media and provides a complete visual identity.
For Brice Guiho, the submark consists of his initials, “B” & “G”.
The colours
As one of his values is promoting « Black Love,» it felt right to choose a vibrant colour palette representing the different shades of black and brown skin (he chose himself).
The typography
I selected Crimson Text as the primary type for the headings on the website, in documents, and in visuals.
It’s a font family for book production in the tradition of beautiful oldstyle typefaces.
Gotham Narrow is the secondary type, used for subheadings, body texts, captions and more.
Font pairing is crucial to creating a visual hierarchy and good contrast between all the written elements.
The mood
The overall mood of Bice Guiho is about, as his tagline says, Intimacy and Emotions.
He wishes to contribute to a more united African family, aware of the affection each member has for the other.
So what better place to start than the wedding day?
The goal
A well-designed image promotes consistency, visibility, and trust among your target audience.
And we all know that people are more likely to buy from a company with whom they have a personal connection.
As I previously stated, your brand encompasses what your audience can see and how you make them feel visually and abstractly.
Branding aims to elicit specific feelings in people’s hearts and thoughts.
In conclusion
Branding is, and always should be, the starting point of your business journey.
Throughout the whole process, I can say that Brice Guiho clearly understood that it’s more than a beautiful logo, lovely visuals, and pretty packaging.
It’s an experience, an adventure that I wish him long and prosperous.
So, if you’re ready to create your brand and propel it to the highest levels, now is the time.
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